Side / Consular Section

Consular Section


Important Announcement

Please read the following statement regarding passport renewal


اعلان مهم

 Important Announcement

ترجو السفارة السودانية في اوسلو التأكيد مجددا على ان المعاملات القنصلية المختلفة المقدمة للسودانيين بما فى الشهود لا تشمل حاملي وثائق اللجوء السياسي  .


The Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan in Oslo would like to declare once again, that consular services are available to all Sudanese national applicants, except those who are holders of political asylum documents. This also applies to witnesses you provide for your cases.


Den Sudanske Ambassaden i Oslo vil herved igjen bekrefte, at konsulære tjenester er tilgjengelig for alle Sudanske statsborgere, bortsett fra de som har blitt innvilget politisk asyl og innehar politisk asyl dokumenter. Dette gjelder også vitner du bruker i dine saker. 


متطلبات عدم الممانعة في سفر الزوجة والأبناء

 إثبات الهوية السودانية-

توثيق مستند الزواج في وزارة خارجية الدولة  التي تم فيها عقد الزواج-

  1. خطاب من سلطات الهجرة  في البلد المعني (- النرويج - الدنمارك- ايسلندا)في حال لم الشمل-



Dear visa applicants,

We would like to advise you not to use delivery/carrier services provided by “UPS” as of 1st of August 2017, as the UPS couldn’t make a customer relationship with the Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan.




اعلان هام

تعلن السفارة السودانية بأوسلو ( للسودانبن فقظ ) وبمناسبة عطلة الصيف ان المعاملات القنصلية وخاصة التأشيرات التي يتم استلامها إبتداءاً من يوم 14 يوليو2017م لن يتم معالجتها إلا بعد يوم 21/8/2017م وفي حال وجود حالات طارئة وتأشيرات يرجى ارسال رسالة الكترونية بالاستعجال قبل التقدبم وارفاق صورة من تذكرة السفر للسودان

وكل عام وانتم بخير


 Dear all,

With this announcement, we would like to inform you that the consular section of the Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan will not be dealing with any visa- related inquiries in period between 14 July and 21 August 2017 due to summertime. In case of an official invitation, please send us an email with attachment of a copy of your flight tickets and the letter of invitation.

We wish you all a pleasant summer.


 Kjære alle sammen,

Vi vil med dette informere dere om at den konsulære avdeling ved Den Sudanske Ambassaden komme ikke til å håndtere visumrelaterte saker i perioden 14 Juli og 21 August 2017 grunnet sommerferie avviklingen. I tilfeller hvor det foreligger en offisiell invitasjon, send oss en email med vedlagte kopier av flybillettene og den offisielle invitasjonen.

Ha en fin sommer!

ايقاف تجديد الجواز الالكتروني بحط اليد

Application for Entry Visa to Sudan

Requirements to get an Entry Visa to the Republic of Sudan from the Embassy of the Republic of Sudan to the Kingdom of Norway.

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Nationality Relinquish Form

Requirements and form (in Arabic) to relinquish Sudanese Nationality.

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Form for requesting consular procedure

Form (in Arabic) for requesting a consular procedure.

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Announcements consular section

Please find announcements relevant to consular affairs in this section.

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Travel document to Sudan

Travel document to Sudan

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Application for reclaiming Sudanese citizenship

Please click here to download the form for reclamation of Sudanese citizenship.

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Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan in Oslo, Norway

Holtegata 28
0355 Oslo

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